Written enroute, May 30, 1944
Printed and mailed from office,
Box 111, Eugene, Oregon
Dear Co-Workers:
Another issue of The BULLETIN is past due, but I have
been so busy broadcasting eight time a week from Des Moines--every
week day, and twice on sundays--in addition to preparing and
recording programs also for all the other stations, that I have not
had time to prepare it. And so I find it necessary to rush to you
just now, in the meantime, a special and VERY URGENT letter.
I have just concluded three weeks of DAILY broadcasting
from Des Moines, in a special radio Bible-study series. I have
been so happy to have Mrs. Armstrong with me this trip, and we have
met many listeners personally, visited a number in their homes, had
Bible studies with several. Before going to Des Moines, we met a
number of our listeners in San Antonio, Texas, following a Sunday
night broadcast from there, and I was surprised and much pleased to
find that so many of the ladies were more interested in meeting
Mrs. Armstrong than me. Several expressed surprise and great joy
in learning that her whole heart is in God's glorious work, just as
much as mine. The fact is, it is thru her that I was really
converted and brought into God's work. And while her voice never
is heard on the air, she has from the first been just as actively
a part of this work as I. Since I have learned, on this trip, both
at San Antonio and at Des Moines, that so many listeners have felt
it is a rare thing for a man's wife to be whole-heartedly WITH him
in a work of this kind, I thought I would just make mention of this
fact in this letter for ALL our Co-Workers to know. Somehow I have
always had a conviction, even before I was converted and drawn by
the Eternal into His work, that God Himself really selected my wife
for me, and while it's rather a personal matter, I don't mind
saying just to our inner family of Co-workers who are WITH us in
this work, that even before I was converted I never went to sleep
at night without praying and thanking God for giving her to me.
She has been constantly by my side, and during the seven
long, hard years when we were getting this work started from
NOTHING, growing to a nation-wide power and influence--in the days
when we had just one small, little inside office without window, or
fresh air or sunlight, she worked tirelessly in the office,
printing The PLAIN TRUTH on a hand mimeograph machine, folding,
sorting, mailing them and other literature, writing letters to many
listeners, helping every way she could. She helps me to prepare
the broadcasts, checks over the script with me before it goes on
the air, also articles for The PLAIN TRUTH before they are sent to
the printers, and in every way is a most important part of this
work. We have four fine children, two boys, 14 and 15, and two
daughters, one married, and the other financial secretary in our
office--and still more, we have two VERY fine little grandchildren,
a boy not quite two years, and a girl just four months. Now I
didn't intend, when I started this letter, saying a word about my
wife, but I felt that God has blessed me so ABUNDANTLY in so many
ways, and first of all--aside from the promise of salvation--with
such a good wife, and incidentally I feel sure from their