I'm overjoyed to report to you that we are now beginning
to make noticeable PROGRESS in getting the Work into better
financial position. This austere year is just BEGINNING to show
results! But our business office is STILL IN A VERY TIGHT SQUEEZE.
It is not an austere MONTH--it is an austere YEAR--and may have to
be for TWO years!
So, while in our business office we "tighten our belts"--
making every possible cut in expenses while driving the Work ahead
even faster--I have to ask all our Co-Workers to "tighten your
belts" too, for we must INCREASE, not decrease, the income for
God's precious Work.
Some Co-Workers, on hearing of our austere year program,
and postponing the college in Texas for a year, thought we were
stopping the building program. So they stopped sending in their
EXTRA and SPECIAL offerings for the BUILDING FUND.
The BUILDING FUND MUST NOT STOP! As I have explained,
God's WORK around the whole world cannot continue to grow--cannot
fulfill its Mission--unless we continue to graduate an increasingly
large number of college students each year. And the colleges
cannot continue to grow without more buildings--increasing
So please KEEP UP the additional special offerings for
the BUILDING FUND! We are trying to finance all or most of the
building from this special fund, leaving regular tithes and
offerings for regular operational expenditures for THE WORK!
We can never slacken! The NEED is still URGENT! Every
widow's mite is helpful and needed! Your regular TITHES, and your
regular offerings are needed! Your gifts of larger amounts, even
into the thousands, are needed! And still there is need of loans
of large sums, if you cannot GIVE such sums now, but could let them
be working under Christ's directions in HIS WORK. This NEED is
THANK YOU, dear fellow-Workers with Christ! God IS blessing His
great Work more abundantly than ever--giving us a rich harvest!
And He is blessing YOU!
With sincere love, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong