Now I have to ask YOU who are Co-Workers with Christ in HIS
Work which HE directs and empowers with His Spirit, to "tighten
YOUR belts" also, even at sacrifice of things you would like to
buy, and if you possibly can, send in increased offerings from now
God is granting us an ever-increasing bounteous HARVEST of
precious lives for ALL ETERNITY, being brought to repentance and to
Christ and real conversion as a result of YOUR sacrifice and
efforts, as well as mine.
Co-Workers, RALLY BEHIND ME in this serious need! This work
must have an IMMEDIATE financial "shot in the arm" which, by
COMBINED effort, sacrifice, and fervent, believing and prevailing
PRAYERS, you can supply. Please go at once to a private place and
PRAY! And again I have to ask for more special LOANS--from the few
of you who may have a substantial sum you are not free to GIVE at
this time, but could be putting to work until you need it.
That's all I can say now. This must be RUSHED TO YOU
immediately. Please use air-mail--it speeds your tithes and
offerings to us faster. THANK YOU, dear Co-Workers, from the
bottom of my heart!
With love in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong