Remember, The Plain Truth carries no advertising! lt is 52
pages of solid interesting and eye-opening reading, with
illustrations. We feel that 52 pages is about as much as readers
will digest in any one issue. And remember, that is approximately
the number of pages of actual reading matter in any of the large
popular commercial magazines. The remaining pages are all
And, as always, NO PRICE--it's free--and I hope you'll give me and
our Co-Workers the happiness and pleasure of sending it to you!
Back in the September, 1957, number of The Plain Truth, I
began writing and publishing, serially, my own autobiography.
Thousands of readers wanted to know the facts and details of the
start of this work, and how it grew. But actually, it started much
earlier than 1934. There were many years of preparation before God
started this work.
In the Bible you read of how Moses was specially prepared
and trained, through all the years from his childhood, as a prince
in Pharaoh's palace, for the work God later called him to do. You
read of David's previous training before he became King of Israel
--of the Apostle Paul's education and special training before God
called him into His service.
God does the same today. And so the facts about the start
of this work began with my own special and unique training from the
earliest childhood. Therefore the Autobiography began with those
earliest years--recounting, at age 3, my great-grandfather, who was
94; "swearing off" of chewing tobacco, at age 5; my first "girl
friend" at age 6, and such incidents.
The coming number of The Plain Truth will carry Installment
50, bringing this life-story up to the year 1948. But thousands
who missed them, or no longer have their back numbers for 1957 and
1958, have requested The Autobiography in book form. That is not
possible now, for the simple reason there still remain 14 years
of this history to be written.
But the editors of The Plain Truth have decided to reprint,
in special booklet form, the first three installments. This has
not been announced as yet over the air. In fact, the decision has
just now been reached. You are the first to know about it. But if
you would like a copy of this special booklet, as a special gift
for you at this time, we shall be happy to send it. It is to be
printed immediately--and I hope will be ready for mailing by the
time your letter arrives.
ALSO--two other very important booklets, reprinted from
articles which I wrote for Tho Plain Truth during the past year,
just now off the press!
"What Do You MEAN--BORN AGAIN?" and also,