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already there are more than THREE THOUSAND on the growing French
mailing list. Just a few days ago a telegram from New York
informed me that Radio Europe Number One, second most powerful
station on earth, had opened another great door, for a second
broadcast time every week, in the French Language, covering all of
France. We already had one broadcast a week on that station, and
one over Radio Luxembourg on the French transmission. The French
work is expanding rapidly--and in French speaking Martinique three
whole churches recently have joyfully swung over to CHRIST'S TRUE
GOSPEL, as a result of our broadcasts in the West Indies, and our
booklets in French.
I wonder if you realized WHAT TREMENDOUS RESULTS God is
producing through us who are Co-Workers with Jesus Christ in God's
Then there is a BURGEONING German work in Germany and
Austria. Two broadcasts every week over giant-powered Radio
Luxembourg on their German transmission, in the German language,
are bringing a heavy response. The PLAIN TRUTH is published in a
special GERMAN edition, under the name DIE RHINE WARHEIT. Five
thousand homes in Germany and Austria are now receiving DIE RHINE
WARHEIT, and thousands of requested booklets in German--and the
circulation is growing daily.
In the Spanish language a BIG WORK is being carried on,
with big results from our Spanish language broadcasts in South
America--with a mailing list of 2,000. One of our ministers went
to South America and visited many interested radio listeners,
baptizing a number.
And now there is a fast growing ITALIAN work under way, in
the Italian language. Here at Ambassador College in Pasadena, we
are teaching these languages: German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Russian, Portuguese; and at the college in England, German, French
and Spanish. There we have Scandinavian students, and work in
those languages is being planned.
My son, Garner Ted Armstrong, was very recently in our
offices in Sydney, Australia, where we have quite a large staff.
Then he flew to Manila, visiting our staff there, and flew on to
Tokyo, Japan, where plans were made for putting The WORLD TOMORROW
on the air in JAPAN. Just the other day the Managing Director and
Creative Director of a Tokyo advertising agency visited our campus
here. Plans are being formed now to start broadcasting The WORLD
TOMORROW on at least one Tokyo station in English within a few
weeks--and later, in the Japanese language.
Everywhere, THINGS ARE MOVING, in this big Work of God!
Around the world! The sun never sets on our activities--our office
staffs--our ministers and representatives around the world.
We have recently appointed as our architects one of the
largest architectural firms in the world, with offices around the
world, including London. One of the partners and a vice president
of this firm recently flew over to Texas with five of our staff
from here, as part of our work of designing the Master Plan of the