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least 2,000 of you! We could not have fed you.
GOD MADE THIS DECISION! I did not. But I had to bow to
it. And I had to admit, after all, that GOD'S WAY IS BEST!
Now God is not going to require Mrs. Armstrong and me to
give up meeting with you brethren at our own grounds in Texas---nor
to be deprived of being with all you West Coast brethren coming to
Squaw Valley. God willing, WE ARE GOING TO BE BOTH PLACES--one
half of the Festival at Squaw Valley--the other half at Big Sandy!
That is not all. Garner Ted Armstrong will be at the
Texas grounds for one half, and at Squaw Valley the other half.
Also, Mr. Roderick C. Meredith and Mr. Herman L. Hoeh will be half
time at each place. This way, we four will be privileged to meet
with and speak to ALL of you brethren, at BOTH places!
The Feast of Tabernacles begins Sunday evening, at
sunset, September 24. Since many brethren will have to leave
early, to arrive at Squaw Valley in time for the Feast, we have
made special arrangements with the management of the facilities,
to have the Blythe Arena for the weekly Sabbath services preceding
the Feast. There will be an afternoon service only, beginning at
1:30 P.M.
All reservations for the Festival should have already
been made. However, if some of you have NOT as yet received
confirmation of reservations, you should immediately send your
$50.00 deposit in the enclosed envelope, to be sure of being
properly registered.
Those of you already having reservations, but who are
planning to arrive early, to be in Squaw Valley for the weekly
Sabbath preceding the Feast, should immediately go upon arrival at
Squaw Valley to the place where you are holding reservations. You
will need to make any arrangements for staying either before, or
after the Festival on your own. However, be sure to go to the
place your reservations specify, so as to avoid moving within only
a day or so to a different location.
As you know, we arrived at a bulk price for meals served
in the spacious cafeteria based upon feeding 2,000 persons per
meal. However, we find there may be several hundred who have not
yet purchased meal tickets, believing they may want to eat
Remember, brethren, the outside facilities, such as cafes
and restaurants are very limited. It would be impossible for up to
one thousand eight hundred of you to eat three meals a day outside
of the valley,a nd yet near enough to attend services. You will
not be able to find the beauty, the really excellent food, the fine
fellowship and the convenience anywhere else but in the large,