Gladewater for the Feast this year unless he has very special
permission from God's ministers. This permission is to be granted
ONLY for the following reasons:
1. For those specifically sent by the Church as elders
or acting deacons or deaconesses, or in any other
2. For the Negro brethren whom Mr. Jackson feels will be
better able to have the right fellowship if they meet
at Gladewater together.
3. For those very few with a real family or business
EMERGENCY necessitating a trip to the Midwest at this
time. This should be an emergency consideration only
---as in a case where a mother or father is very
close to death and a final visit just before or after
the Feast seems imperative.
4. For those who have definite ministerial or medical
advice that they should not travel to areas over
5,000 feet in altitude because of a serious heart or
asthmatic condition.
Brethren, this is ALL. We can think of no other valid
reason why any of you should forsake attending the Feast of
Tabernacles in the area God has designated for you.
VALLEY AUTHORITIES. That is why we HAVE to ask for a partial
advance payment on your housing and food. IF you have been obeying
God by faithfully laying aside your SECOND TITHE you will be able.
I know there may be financial circumstances involved with
some of you. I would like to say that if for any reason you do not
have the required $50.00 deposit at this time, you may send in your
application for registration without including your deposit. This
should NOT be necessary, however, in many cases, because you should
have faithfully saved your second tithe as God commands.
And do you realize, brethren, that if we will follow
through with our part in this arrangement, the huge Blythe Arena---
to serve as our meeting place for the service---will be given to us
absolutely FREE?---and many other smaller meeting rooms, counseling
room, recreation rooms and three swimming pools beside!
Do you want to wreck this opportunity for God's Church?
Do you want us to forfeit the terrific cash saving this makes
possible for the very work of Christ?
I know that you don't.
Perhaps many of you have just not taken the time to
thoroughly read my original letter on Squaw Valley. If not, you
should go back and READ CAREFULLY every word of it so that you
fully understand how you should cooperate in registering for your
space at Squaw Valley for the coming Feast of Tabernacles. If for