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year old son if he would not take his girl friends somewhere else
for the night. She explained that her son respected her, and so he
did as she requested.
"Do you mean to say," this mother was asked, "that it is
now common practise here in Sweden for young unmarried men to bring
their girl friends to their parents' homes to sleep with for the
"Why, yes, this is more or less common practise," the
"modern" mother replied. Premarital sex relations are more or less
publicly condoned and encouraged here--it has become custom! Even
surgical abortions are entirely legal--although they must be
approved by authorized physicians. There are public bathing places
here where men and women go in nude together.
Sweden is the most prosperous nation in the world--next to
the United States--today. Their prosperity seems to be leading to
a moral toboggan slide. The crime rate is high and mounting fast--
especially juvenile crime! THIS WORLD IS ROTTEN, AND THE STENCH
coming to CLEAN IT UP!
Co-Workers, TIME IS SHORT! Time is running out on us! We
must step up the work faster and faster! The task MUST BE FINISHED
--fast, and SOON! In directing it from human Headquarters, I can
only go as fast as YOUR honest tithes and generous free-will
offerings make possible. Faster and faster CHRIST is opening
more doors!
In Ambassador College we have trained Mr. Erhard Klammer,
a native born German, and Mr. Gerhard Marx, also German born, for
the German work. Mr. Klammer broadcasts The World Tomorrow in
German, now twice, and soon three times a week, over Radio
Luxembourg--one of the two most powerful radio stations on earth.
Mr. Marx, from Ambassador College in England, handles and answers
the mail. A very heavy response is being received from all over
Germany--even from East Germany.
Last week in Cologne and Hamburg, I questioned a number of
German people, all of whom said they listen to Radio Luxembourg--in
fact, a man in Cologne said it was the one most-listened-to
station. His face lighted up when I mentioned "Die Welt von
Morgan"--which is The WORLD TOMORROW in German. Oh yes, he listens
to it, he said.
Mr. Dibar Apartian, Professor of French in the college at
Pasadena, broadcasts the program to France in French over both
Radio Luxembourg and Radio Europe No. One, twice every week. The
response has been phenomenal! We never realized there would be
such interest in God's Truth in France!
Dr. Benjamin Rea, now Principal of the College in England,
broadcasts the program in Spanish to Latin America, with a
consistent mail response.
Now I am hoping we can soon send it to these Scandinavian