Those of you who have already made reservations for
booths at Gladewater should also inform us on the coupon to this
effect. If you have made a reservation and sent in a donation for
a booth, this donation will automatically be transferred to your
account for reservations in the Squaw Valley area. If you have
made a booth donation but are not going to stay at any of the above
facilities ad wish the donation to be refunded, you should also
advise us of this on the coupon.
All of the reservations for the entire area are going to
be handled through a central registration system conducted by a
staff of men at Headquarters in Pasadena. You can be assured of
receiving adequate and suitable accommodations through this central
registration procedure. This is a completely nonprofit service we
are performing to help YOU, brethren! So please cooperate.
Brethren! Let me say right here that the prices for
these outstanding facilities are most reasonable! Remember, we are
being permitted to enjoy one of the most beautiful resort areas in
the nation. Nevertheless, let me assure you personally that we are
not only getting in on the off-season lower rates at all
accommodations, but an even lower group rate beside!
If you will carefully consider, most of you will find
that you will spend even LESS money this year at Squaw Valley than
you would have by going to Texas. The reason is obvious. Most
West Coast men and heads of families will have at least four days
less total driving time going to the Feast this year with
comparably less expense on food and lodging along the way. And,
they will also have four more days on the job earning additional
The above-mentioned factors should more than make up the
difference in expense for most families. But, in any case,
remember that the Feast of Tabernacles should be a time of
REJOICING and if you have saved a full second tithe of your income
for this purpose, there should be no problem.
Let me say that I have personally inspected the
facilities for food and lodging in Squaw Valley and they are
splendid! Since this letter is just being sent to you brethren
west of the Rockies, I would like to say that you are going to be
in for a real thrill this year at the Feast and Squaw Valley!
There are so many facilities to describe, so many special
opportunities that we are planning to take advantage of, that it is
impossible to describe them all in this letter.
You just be there as God has commanded---and REJOICE!
At the bottom of this letter you will find a perforated
coupon for you to make your preliminary reservations for any of the
facilities outlined above. I am going to ask all of you who can to
make reservations and rush, by return mail, this coupon or
questionnaire so that we may confirm your space in any of these
facilities. It is going to be a big job to place everyone in the
proper facilities and is going to take a lot of hard work and
planning for our registration crew. Therefore, we must get started