The way finally opened!
Not only for CHILDREN--but for ADULTS AS WELL!
One of the earliest to be converted as a result of the
broadcast--more than 20 years ago--was a nationally known artist
and writer, Basil Wolverton. Three times LIFE magazine has devoted
editorially a number of pages to his work. TIME magazine has
commented on his work repeatedly. His work has appeared in Pageant
extensively, and in a total of 58 magazines in America. He has
been a Bible teacher for years.
I asked Mr. Wolverton to undertake this great mission,
and he accepted the challenge.
Then we decided it ought to be a book for ADULTS, as well
as children! By writing in language primarily adapted to the ten
to twelve year old level, children a few years younger could
understand and enjoy it--AND IT WOULD ALSO BE INTERESTING TO
ADULTS. Mr Wolverton has a son right in this age-level to be
helpful as his "guinea-pig" for testing. We decided on that,
because parents of still younger children could read it to them,
and with a little personal explaining, make it perfectly plain and
understandable to children or five or less.
Instead of disconnected stories, this is THE STORY OF THE
BIBLE, from beginning to end! It begins at the beginning--Genesis
chapter 1, verse 1. In simple, plain, understandable, yet most
interesting style, as only Mr. Wolverton can write, he unfolds the
exciting story-flow of the whole Bible. Of course it skips over
such statistical passages as genealogies and such things. These
are in the Bible for a REASON--they have their purpose--but our aim
now is to relate in today's language the story-sequence and flow of
EVENTS--the STORY of the Bible.
The book is profusely illustrated with Mr. Wolverton's
own striking illustrations.
For the first time in your life you probably will see
what the events of Adam and Eve in the Garden in Eden, of Cain
killing Abel, on down to the Flood, then on to the Tower or Babel,
Abraham, and on through the Bible, really have to do with US AND
OUR LIVES TODAY--with world happenings TODAY--with God's PURPOSE of
life, its unfolding and working out.
Mr. Wolverton has a rare talent for narrating these
continuous events in understandable language that will grip you,
hold your interest, and make the Word of God MEAN SOMETHING. It
makes the Bible live, as you may never have thought of it before.
Never have we put a price on any literature. It seemed
we could not avoid it now. How could we produce a whole BOOK,
without charge to the recipients? Yet we simply could not bring
ourselves to put a price on God's literature.